How many times have you wanted to make a banner, poster, or greeting card and discovered that the Print Shop or PrintMaster program did not have the right font or graphic to express your ideas? How many times have you chosen a design, printed it out, and then wished you could improve it; but to no avail? I know that I have often said, "GEOS has thousands of graphics and hundreds of fonts. If I do not like what I have, I can change or create them using GEOPAINT. I wish I could do this in GEOS!!!"
How wonderful it would be if we could use GEOPAINT to create designs for our banners, posters, and greeting cards! If only there were a GEOS-compatible print program that would magically flip, turn, and enlarge these designs to produce impressive printouts! Or would you like to be able to control every pixel of your design, every point of definition on the final document? Now your wishes have come true!
GEOPRINT maximizes your creative talents by allowing you to do big designs in a small area. If you were to create a full page design on a C64, it would require moving the GEOPAINT screen 15 times! But with GEOPRINT, a poster needs only 2 screens; a greeting card, 4; and a banner, 6. This means that you can work quickly, easily reviewing your work and making changes when necessary.
We believe that GEOPRINT satisfies an important need for GEOS users who want the flexibility of GEOS and the convenience of "Print" type programs. We believe GEOPRINT will give you the freedom to "do it your way." If you have questions or comments, you can reach us by mail: GEOPRINTERS, P. O. Box 0792, New Albany IN 47150. You can also contact Roger on Q-Link under the name "
Roger Lawhorn and K. Dale Sidebottom
HThis GEOPRINT DEMO contains the Horizontal Poster mode only.
@GEOPRINT can print banners, posters (four kinds) and greeting cards from within GEOS.
@The method is simple. You draw your banner, poster and greeting card on a geoPaint document in a scaled down form. Then GEOPRINT enlarges, flips, rotates, and prints it for you! Before, to make anything like this with geoPaint you would have to go to a lot of trouble to edit the WHOLE page. Now, all you need to do is draw a scaled down version and GEOPRINT does the rest. You never have to move the geoPaint window more than two spaces up or down.
@Heres a short description of each mode:
The Banner: Print up to a 12 page banner with this mode. Prints a 8 to 1 ratio enlargement.
The Vertical Poster: Prints exactly that at a 4 to 1 ratio.
The Horizontal Poster: Even PrintShop and PrintMaster can't do this!!! Prints a 4 to 1 ratio.
The Greeting Card: Will print all four sides of a greeting card! Not all print programs can do that! It takes the front and back panels and flips them for you! Prints a 2 to 1 ratio.
HThe Giant Poster:
@ Print up to an entire geoPaint document! Print in one of two modes:
FULL: Print at an 8 to 1 ratio.
QUARTER: Print at a 4 to 1 ratio.
The QUARTER mode is GREAT for door posters. The final printout using 80 DPI was 36 inches across by 32 inches down using a full GEOPAINT Document.
There are two types of printers: 80 DPI and 60 DPI (dots per inch). You must use the proper DEMOform or your printout may get cutoff. The two forms are:
@DEMOform 80
@DEMOform 60
If your printout is getting cutoff with 80 then use the 60 form.
Before you draw your poster you must duplicate the origional file and then rename it.
Don't corrupt your only copy of the DEMOforms!
You will find the
@Horizontal Poster
at the bottom right of each form.
Generally speaking, everything in the light green area will printed to the printer. There are some
however. If you are using the 60 DPI form then the top four pixels will not be printed. Stay within the black frame for 60 DPI. You may also notice that the black frame falls four pixels short of the right on both forms. These pixels are printed to the printer and you may use them. They are NOT sent to a GEOPAINT Document if you are using the Paint Drivers that came with GEOS V2.0. That is why they were left blank. See printing tips for more info.
Printing requires the GEOPRINT application and your design on a GEOPAINT file. The GEOPAINT application is not needed at all during the print phase.
Open the GEOPRINT application and click on the "print" option. A sub-menu will drop down offering to print a
@ Horizontal Poster. A
dialogue box then asks you to select a filename. Click on the file having that design, and then click on OPEN.
NOTE: There is no preview mode in GEOPRINT. You must use GEOPAINT to preview or change your design.
At any time during the printing process you may press the
key to
@2. Paint Drivers
: You may choose to turn the final printout into a GEOPAINT Document. If you have GEOS V2.0 then you may do this with the Paint Drivers. Paint Driver compatibility allows you to put that finishing touch on all your creations. Mix blown up graphics with real size fonts. Combine normal and enlarged graphics on the same page. Smooth out that choppy, computerish look.
Rotate large graphics 90 degrees. You can achieve this feature with this demo. Place your graphic in the Horizontal Poster area and send it to a GEOPAINT Document using the Paint Drivers. The effect is amazing to say the least!
The last four pixels to the right of the horizontal poster should NOT be used if you are going to convert to a GEOPAINT Document.
HThe GEOPRINT disk contains:
The famous geoSidPlayer V1.0! Plays up to the first 15 songs on disk. This one has improved routines and should play faster. You may also press the mouse to start a new song.
: Look for
@geoSidPlayer V2.0
support for the
H128, three drives, and a multi-file box!
This Desk Accessory will convert a PhotoScrap into either PrintMaster or PrintShop form.
Keep this on your font disks and quickly view fonts to find what you want. View up to the first 12 fonts on disk. This program has allowed me to view fonts that geoWrite could not view due to identical font I.D. numbers.
This will allow you to make Banners, Posters, and GreetingCards from within GEOS! You can even take an entire geoPaint Document and blow it up four or eight times!
: Color drivers may not work with GEOPRINT. If you have the
then substitute with the
@Epson FX-80
There are six GEOPRINT forms on this disk. Three for 80 DPI printers and three for 60 DPI printers.
@12 new printer drivers:
60,72,80,90,120, and 240 DPI printer drivers for the Epson FX-80 and compatibles (like the STAR-NX1000). Double strike versions of each are included.
@This GEOPRINT disk is available for $19.50 through the mail now!
If you would like a copy just send a check or money-order to: